Workshop on horizon So, the time is now! Later this year I will finally have space for my very-own little Workshop and will gradually… Continue reading “Workshop on horizon”…
Hurray! I am still alive! Howdy Folks, one of my (obviously) most loyal “Followers” (Greetings to Dad), pointed ot that this place conveys the impression that I already push… Continue reading “Hurray! I am still alive!”…
Rathje Custom Guitars now officially “engineered”! Since the 1st of February (2008) all Rathje Custom Guitars are officially “engineered” – What does that mean? Actually nothing changes –… Continue reading “Rathje Custom Guitars now officially “engineered”!”…
Get ready for the final round… It seems to be a bit unreal to me, but I am currently writing my diploma-thesis – after finishing this… Continue reading “Get ready for the final round…”…
Hello! Nice to see you here again! Nothing has admittedly changed here for a long time, but for this now with swing … My site is available… Continue reading “Hello! Nice to see you here again!”…
Hello to everyone who is still loyal to me… …although nothing has happened here for a long time! I could apologize here now about thousand times but I prefer… Continue reading “Hello to everyone who is still loyal to me…”…
Okay then…ATTENTION!!! IMPORTANT!!! I succeeded to write my intermediate exam this semester! I like to receive congratulations in the guestbook or in mail… Continue reading “Okay then…ATTENTION!!! IMPORTANT!!!”…
Howdy Folks! Since I began to be surprised sometime why I don’t get any feedback to my site of you, I have… Continue reading “Howdy Folks!”…
Attention, Attention! This wonderful internet presence is online in the version 1.3 now! The source code has essentially been refined so that… Continue reading “Attention, Attention!”…
And? How about your good firm intentions? Begun smoking again? From my point of view I have to announce that I have already worked off a good firm… Continue reading “And? How about your good firm intentions?”…